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Nutrition 101

Nutrition is the science of how the body uses food. The quality of those substances makes up the quality of our mental perspective and functioning of the body. We are what we eat, but even more importantly we are what we digest. The seat of our health begins with a strong digestive system. Here are some healthy habits to build upon.

Healthy Habits

  • eat organic when possible

  • eat 3 meals per day, avoid snacking between meals, and when you do have a piece of fruit

  • make breakfast a small meal (primarily made of protein and fat), make your largest meal lunch (you have the strongest digestive fire) dinner small meal (best as a starch meal or soup)

  • at dinner make enough food for lunch the next day

  • balance your plate with 20% healthy fats, 30% proteins, and 50% veggies/and starches, this looks like 1/2 of plate as veggies/starches, 1/4 as protein, and 1/4 as fat.

  • eat at home more often than eating out, when eating out be a vegetarian

  • choose from organic, free range, grass fed, local, meats + raw cheeses

  • eat half raw half cooked when you don’t know what to eat

  • add spices and ocean salt on everything you eat--to taste

  • add 1 tbsp of raw mono-unsaturated or poly-unsaturated fat to the top of each plate of food you make ie. olive oil, sesame oil, walnut oil, borage oil, flax oil, hemp oil, 'UDO's oil' choice blend.

  • only cook with saturated fats ie. coconut oil, lard, duck fat, palm oil, ghee, butter, etc.

  • avoid any refined, processed, hydrogenated or cooked/fried vegetable oils.

  • eat a piece of fruit instead of fruit juice mostly alone or paired with a protein or fat

  • eat dairy and sugars in raw form

  • add 1 tbsp of raw sauerkraut to lunch and dinner

  • make your own salad dressings, marinades, and sauces

  • have a cup of miso, bone broth or veggie broth with one meal per day

  • chew chew chew, rest and digest, especially for lunch your biggest meal

  • combine your meals properly ie. protein+fat=yes, starch*+fat=yes, protein+starch=no fat+all meals=yes, fruit mostly alone or with a little protein or fat *starch is considered a grain or bean. Root veggie, veggies, or squash is ok

  • eat primarily low in starches (grains + beans) but when choosing a starch choose from the non-processed starches ie. root veggies, squashes, soaked beans, soaked grains. Avoid refined flours, packaged foods, breads, pastries, pastas, and added sugars + sweeteners + artificial sweeteners

  • soak sprout or ferment your grains, and legumes

  • soak or sprout your nuts and seeds

  • eat seasonally

  • eat for your body type (Vata, Pitta, Kapha)

  • drink water! (half your body weight in ounces per day, i.e 150 lbs = 75 oz of H2O)

  • start the day with 16 oz of electrolyte water (1/4 tsp of celtic grey salt, or concentrace mineral drops, squeeze of lemon or lime, and 2 drops of stevia or splash of maple syrup)

  • discard food that has been in the fridge for more than 3 days

  • intermittent fast 2 days a week i.e. stop eating after 6:00pm, and skip breakfast the next morning, or stop eating after lunch and go till Lunch the next day

  • juice cleanse in the spring, and Kitchari cleanse in the fall include enema's

Fat as Fuel:: Fat is an important source of fuel, when utilized by the body it is stable, long lasting, calming, non-emergency fuel. Fat is mood-stabilizing, detoxifying, and also rejuvenating to the body.

  1. good fats are the best source of energy for the heart, esp. fish oil

  2. the appropriate mix of omega's (3-6-9) is critical for the management of inflammation

  3. acting as building blocks for cell membranes, and hormones

  4. the liver metabolizes fats into their usable forms for the body, and the bile is built of healthy fat, proper ingestion, and digestion of fat causes less liver and gallbladder stress

  5. fats aid the absorption of fat soluble vitamins ADEK

types of fat:: duck fat, lamb fat, ghee, beef lard, pork lard, raw hemp oil, avocado oil, olive oil, coconut oil, avocado’s, soaked nuts and seeds and their butters, raw dairy, please know to avoid refined oils, expeller pressed oils, hydrogenated fats, and trans fats.

Protein for Power:: The body needs proteins to build new cells, maintain tissue health, and so much more.

  1. enzymes are proteins, and they act as managers and catalysts for all biochemical processes

  2. antibodies are proteins that help fight infection and destroy foreign invaders

  3. hemoglobin are specialized proteins that deliver oxygen around the body

  4. hormones are proteins that regulate metabolism and almost every key function in the body

types of proteins:: grain and bean combo (highest protein grains are quinoa, amaranth, teft, millet) land animals, nuts, seeds, eggs, yogurts, kefirs, raw dairy and cheeses, sea animals, etc.

Vital Vegetables: seasonal vegetables are the most vital and nutrient filled, especially from the farmers market. Eat the rainbow!

  1. vegetables are very high in fiber, vit. C, folate, and the minerals in vegetables help prevent osteoporosis and act as important enzyme cofactors

  2. eating adequate fiber can help normalize cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and bowel transit times, which reduces bowel toxicity and prevents irritation of the GI lining.

  3. vegetables help to regulate protein and fat metabolism

  4. the fiber in vegetables nourishes beneficial gut bacteria, which in turn nourish the lining of the GI tract, produce vitamins, and inhibit the overgrowth of yeast and other undesirable organisms

  5. vegetables contain folate, which increases energy, helps reduce the chances for a heart attack, and allows the body to produce serotonin (critical in preventing depression and overeating).


Plenty means that at least half of your plate is covered with low-glycemic vegetables like leafy greens.


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